Saturday, December 13, 2008

The number '2' (it would take two mins only)

Hola guys..before i start..Yes i did copied some of words for my about a girl's post...
So yea big deal? I want you guys to realise this is happening!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!
But post about love and this post is all i wrote it all by myself....
So any doubts again? that's ur F****** problem...

The number "2",
Yes number two,
TWO, it is not just an ordinary number, it could be answer to all our problems.
You probably thinking I'm crazy but i'm not.
In fact Almost everything comes in two.

We as human are given two eyes,two legs,two hands and so forth.
Why is that?
There must be a reason. What is it then?
I myself don't even know.

But i realise two actually a number that is answer to everything.
Let's go in to LOVE.
It takes two heart to love. Don't you agree?
It takes two hand to clap which leads that
In LOVE you want to achieve a clap where both hands give the same amount of force and not a clap where one hand give more force than another which probably leads to one party loving more than another which i think you guys don't want that to happen.
It just takes two hearts to cooperate together.

Ok enough about LOVE, I'm not love guru and I DON'T INTEND TO BE ONE.
Its just that i want the readers to realise something about their life and I'm glad if i able to make you learn something from my post.

In our Lives,
Everybody will have this.
Guess what?
Its Friends, yes Friends. True Friends will always be there.
So two?, yes in the midst, definitely there will be quarrels or fights to test the friendship.
So two,it takes two parties or two people,
Let me give you an example,
Let's says you fight with your best friends. So it takes both of you to settle and clear all the misunderstanding together.
Both must forgive and forget.
So that's two in Friendship.

Don't you ever wonder why you got two parents? Two eyes? or anything that comes in two?
Yes most things comes in two.
In Fact most answer can be achieve by two parties..
So that's TWO "2" for you...

Quote Of the day
~ Everything comes in two~

Yours truly,
Muhammad Fazli bin Mohd Jamil

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