Saturday, January 30, 2010

Movie Review

Garden State (2004)

The movie is quite Draggy at First but once you are into it, it is heart-felt and heart warming.
It shows how love can bring people together and solve the complications in our lives.

In this Film Garden State, Zach Braff played the role of the Main Male Lead “Andrew Largeman” and also picked up the role Director. He wrote it since he was in college and this is also his directorial Debut.
Some fun facts that i found out, Zach Braff is used in every scene of the Film.
That’s how passionate he is and also showed his willingness to bring out his own intentions/emotions to the film itself.

I find his acting is a bit of dull at first, he did portray how retarded he could be with his plain expressionless face but perhaps that’s the characterisation he gave the character itself.
I noticed there’s a change in his behaviour, he became more outspoken as the film goes on.
It’s just showed how Life Could Be Changed due to the situation/events happening around you.

Overall i found Zach’s acting is out of place but because maybe he concentrated in his directing more then be more expressive in his acting. It’s very different with what we see him acted for “Scrubs” the famous drama serial.
For sure it’s not a bad start for his first directorial debut Film.

The Main Female Lead is none rather than Natalie Portman as “Sam”,
I love her acting since her past movie like the Romantic Love Movie “Closer” and the recent ones “New York, I Love you”. Her acting for Love movies is very passionate and you can see how depth she knows her character.
In this Film, She able to portray her different side of her character at different time and there’s also a sudden change from happy then from deep sad emotions being portray.

In this Film, Clearly she overtook Zach in the acting department. :)
If you are passionate and appreciate about Slow Love films, then it’s worth the 8 bucks you paying but if you just the opposite, don’t bother watching.

It’s Film that can make you go to Lala Land. 2/5 Stars.

Yours Truly,

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