"Today, I was driving to the local market with my son. We approached a vehicle that looked just like my fiance's. My son peered out his window and said, "Mommy, daddy's getting kidnapped!" It seems he was being 'kidnapped' by his new girlfriend. FML"
Quoted from : http://www.fmylife.com/
Don't you think their life is F**KED?
Well i can laugh my ass off reading this kind of stuffs.. It's so damn funny, how one's mistakes can create such laughter.
Well you heard a quote" It always funny when it happens to somebody else".
So yea if it happens to you, you will just be sad rather then laughing. Well just to share about this website.
Btw Yesterday I went somewhere, i listened to this speaker, This speaker is awesome, the way he explains his points through his examples. Its awesome plus he able to inject humor through his talks. Well overall i learn one important thing that he said and keep emphasizing on.
In life Don't ever hold back if you realised the most important thing in your life is within your grasp.
Now if i realised there's something in my life that is so important and even it requires me to make a Life changing Decision, I will not hold back and all i need to ask myself is
"Is it worth it?"
Quote of the day
~ A weak man has doubts before a decision, a strong man has them afterwards.~