Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Hola Today, I won’t be talking about my lifes or what happen today, I wrote something because i realise there is a need to have a say in this topic.

So today i be talking about girls,

Ever notice that girls seem to be attracted to jerks(bad boys)? Why is it that they waste their time with guys that don’t treat them right? Time and time again us good guys get pushed to the sidelines for men that are arrogant and disrespectful to their ladies. When I’m out in public I do a lot of people watching.

Because I’m currently single, I’m constantly looking at couples and how well they seem matched up. It’s amazing how many girls go for these idiot guys. I hear conversations in passing and I’m stunned when I hear them. Some women let their guys talk down to them. This is embarrassing, I pity those girls.

Why the girls still go to them?

Part of girls actually like to believe they can be the one girl to turn this wild man into a pussycat. Part of them just like that down-to-our-toes thrill, the excitement of something they KNOW is bad for them. Part of it also is that bad boy do give them security. Bad boys are also not afraid in asking girls numbers therefore these would be advantage to bad boys as the nice guys sometimes are afraid to ask the girl they like out.

I also notice in Singapore that girls love to wait for the guy to ask and don’t like to take initiative sometimes, I know this is a gentleman gesture but won’t a little effort hurt? COME ON FOR YOUR LOVE LIFE SAKE GIRLS, Do take action if you think that the guy is nice and sweet. So this how bad boys have the advantage to get girls nowadays.

Most girls actually grow out of the bad-boy phase once we hit our mid twenties. Their girlfriends start to couple off, and they start wondering if there are Mr Sweet Guy out there for them. That's where we come in, Mr. Sweet Guy. Because we’re the guy that they really want.

What I’m trying to say that girls nowadays sometimes are desperate for attentions, love and by making decision with just going relationship without much thought. This Is really bad. I just can’t believe girls nowadays are like these. If these carry on, those Nice guys out there won’t have the chance to have relationship and maybe stay single for whole life?

Girls nowadays, wearing skimpy skirts, skinny jeans, almost everything to reveal their body parts just to attract attentions of guys. The more guys they attract the more attention they get.

I know girls like attention but you girls don’t want to attract the wrong attentions right? Although wearing something nice is okay, but wearing revealing clothes are just RIDICULOUS to attract guys.
I give you an example,
I label bad guys as crocodile and nice guys as rabbit. So those girls wearing revealing clothes able to attract those crocodiles instead of rabbits. Then when girls attract these crocodiles without realising and at last when they are bitten by crocodiles then they will realise their mistakes, After that the rabbits need to help these girls with bitten marks and In some cases these girls don’t EVER give a chance to rabbits because of these crocodiles.

I don’t know this are like the trends nowadays AND girls like to follow this. They think this is hip, cool and there are also influences from friends, Since their friends have boyfriend, they tend to think its good and cool to have one. This will make them to search one in order for them to stay in the group or to be proud. Can’t you believe a secondary One girls already involve in a relationship?? This is just NONSENSE..

What i call Monkey LOVE.
I know its not too young to love but isn’t secondary One is just too early?
I mean too early to have a heartbreak? DEFINITELY NO.

Status is everything these days. In the end they will realize that substance in a person is going to be what they want when they want to settle down. I say this so you will just be who you are and there is someone out there for you, you just have to look in the right places. But This trends is very terrifying and can’t you imagine? THIS NICE GUYS are always at a disadvantage but its up to girls to choose they want to be.
I know its long but i hope those girls who have read this and i have knock up the sense out and you are able to realise. Please do something about your life, even there is a need to change,
The longer you wait the more hurt will get. Also please spread this writing of mine to your friends.
My intentions of writing this is basically expressing my view of girls nowadays and I hope you can gain something from what you have read.

Quote of the day
~ Nice guys finish last because THEY ARE NICE GUYS~

Yours truly,
Muhammad Fazli Bin Mohd Jamil

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first thing's first, WHO classified you under the 'GOOD GUYS' category? what makes you think you're one of the good guys when you're openly dissing girls in your bloody freaking blog? it makes GIRLS wonder why good guys bitch. now that's very contradicting, don't you think? and submission to bad guys doesn't mean that girls are being pushed around you know? this could also mean these girls are giving these GUYS a chance to voice out.personally i think you're just too much of a wuss to NOTICE that these girls live their lives as they want it to. it's not YOUR decision. SO FUCK OFF. ABOUT THE GIRLS BEING SCANTILY CLAD, i see you only observe those scantily clad 'ladies'. so much for your bloody observant skills. not everyone loves skinnies.
you know why we like to follow trends? because we're young and we're teens. we're learning step by step. weren't you like them too? crushes are simple to have, but love ain't. don't you know that some relationships have been going on for years and years and are still as strong as ever? don't you know that these relationships are what we call, REAL. and they're not some bloody freaking TREND. why are you so against these kinda things? is it so hard to just accept them as part and parcel of life? in every single thing, there is both good and bad. the bad can change. and you can't change them by DISSING them in public? let these girls learn their lessons by themselves. don't force what can't be forced. you're just going against the flow of life. if that's what you call a proper lesson, then you're just too bloody blind to realise that you're part of it too.
