Thursday, March 19, 2009

Funny :)

Hola guys...

Just something i wanna share..
Remember about my post on singapore girls?? yea That's where i talk about their images and so on..
But then Its not just girls,
Boys are even more worse truthfully said...
I would like to give some evidence
There are names that i just think it is utterly rubbish...
Boy Bong
Arif Topman
Salby Cotton

Not only that one more thing i laughed crazily..

Quoted from tagged
"Its been fun since i started off tis fucking year
-giv a gerl her 1st kiss
-almost broke my hand... pain siol" and other more..

These are two things that makes me laugh so hard...

Okay seriously
Can someone explain??
What a stupid jackass these guys are..
They put their Glamour names over SHOPS!
That's is the most uncreative things that i knew.
So what if their name is after shops??
It's not like they work there..Or perhaps They Own the shops.
I just can stop laughing at these guys... :D

I know but i'm in no position to laugh or critic these guys..
I myself is not perfect..
But I know myself plus I'm not like these idiotic and uncreative like these guys.

Good luck for their future aye?? :D

Quote of the day
~It's your life, Live it yourself and don't disturb others~

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