Tuesday, March 3, 2009


One of the best song to me... I love the lyrics thus James morrison voice added a nice flow to it..
It sounds damn great.. :)

I got nothing to update that much..
Been staying at home...catching all the movies that i have at my lappy..
Its kinda great when you have some of your own time to chill and just do things that is not tiring you out..

So i'm just browsing videos at youtube to improve my vocals.. And add vibrato to my vocals...
Definitely its kinda great but then i encounter with this crazy video..
A crazy woman teaching us to sing vibrato...
I cannot bring the video to the blog bcoz they block it..
Its so damn funny... :D

What's a vibrato??

A vibrato is a slight variation of pitch caused by the free oscillation of the vocal cords from an open pharynx or open throat along with the healthy closure of the vocal cords with good singing muscle support system.
A good vibrato is when the singing voice is vibrating at an even rate.
An uneven vibrato may be the result of sudden changes in the sub-glottis breath pressure.
These sudden changes are caused by the lack of even "body resistance" from the singing support system. The vocal cords then begin to separate and vibrate unhealthily.
Taken from

Other than that nothing pretty much plus a dry camp coming soon and i reject the offer of going overseas at the end of march...
My passport is also dead..tsk3..
Other than that let's see how March is gonna be.. :)

Yours truly,
Fazli Jamil

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